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St. Ulita and Kirik with Scenes from Life

Antique Russian Icon - Saint Ulita and Saint Kirik with Scenes form Life
Price: $3,871.78

Sale Price: $1,935.89

You Save $1,935.89 (50 %)
Item Number: ic019

This beautiful Antique Russian Icon is titled "St. Ulita and Kirik with Scenes from Life" and features a very unusual theme which is rarely painted. The icon is showing St. Ulita and St. Kirik in the center, surrounded with 12 scenes from life. This Antique Russian Icon was painted in the 19th century, the artist used Egg tempera on wood. This Icon is from Central Russia and the size is 12" x 14". It is a gorgeous piece and has been preserved very well. The icon is 100% original and comes with a certificate of authenticity.