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Palekh Lacquer Boxes

Palekh is a village where the art of painting Palekh Lacquer Boxes has originated. Palekh is a small village in the Ivanova Oblast District. Palekh has a very long history of Russian Iconography (art of painting Russian Orthodox Icons.) However, circa 1923, the master’s of iconography began to paint papier-mâché boxes applying the same principles they have learned from painting icons. They used mainly tempera paints of bright colors and painting over a black background. The work usually represents themes from real life, fairy tales, literary works, and folk songs.
Displaying products 1 - 15 of 15 results
Russian Lacquered Box
Russian Lacquered Box " Pushkin Tale"
Price: $500.00
Sale Price: $250.00
You Save: $250.00 (50 %)
Russian Lacquered Box " Pushkin Tale"
Russian Lacquered Box, Winter Games
Price: $1,150.00
Sale Price: $575.00
You Save: $575.00 (50 %)
Russian Lacquered Box, Winter Games
Golden Cockerel
Golden Cockerel By Ekaterina Zavarihina
Price: $3,000.00
Sale Price: $1,500.00
You Save: $1,500.00 (50 %)
Golden Cockerel By Ekaterina Zavarihina
Russian Lacquer Box " Morozko " By Kycharkina
Price: $750.00
Sale Price: $375.00
You Save: $375.00 (50 %)
Russian Lacquer Box " Morozko " By Kycharkina
Russian Lacquer Box
Russian Lacquer Box "Before Battle"
Price: $170.00
Sale Price: $85.00
You Save: $85.00 (50 %)
Russian Lacquer  Box "Before Battle"
Pushkin's Tale of the Golden Cockerel
Pushkin's Tale The Golden Cockerel
Price: $6,000.00
Sale Price: $3,000.00
You Save: $3,000.00 (50 %)
Pushkin's Tale The  Golden Cockerel
Magic Flute
Price: $220.00
Sale Price: $110.00
You Save: $110.00 (50 %)
Magic Flute
Swan Princess And Prince Gvidon
Price: $220.00
Sale Price: $110.00
You Save: $110.00 (50 %)
Swan Princess And Prince Gvidon
Playng Flute
Playing Flute Brooch
Price: $220.00
Sale Price: $110.00
You Save: $110.00 (50 %)
Playing Flute  Brooch
Scarlet Flower Brooch
Scarlet Flower Brooch
Price: $220.00
Sale Price: $110.00
You Save: $110.00 (50 %)
Scarlet Flower Brooch
The Outing
The Outing
Price: $349.99
Sale Price: $175.00
You Save: $174.99 (50 %)
The Outing
Let Me Help You
Let Me Help You
Price: $150.00
Sale Price: $75.00
You Save: $75.00 (50 %)
Let Me Help You
Russian Troika
Russian Troika
Price: $129.99
Sale Price: $65.00
You Save: $64.99 (50 %)
Russian Troika
Tzar Saltan 8
Tzar Saltan 8
Price: $3,949.99
Sale Price: $1,975.00
You Save: $1,974.99 (50 %)
Tzar Saltan 8
Russian Lacquer Box Winter Troika from Village Palekh
Troika in the Winter
Price: $80.00
Sale Price: $40.00
You Save: $40.00 (50 %)
Troika in the Winter